The SEND department provides support for young people across the 4 areas of need as laid out in the SEND Code of Practice 2014:
Communication & Interaction
Cognition & Learning
Social, emotional and mental health difficulties
Sensory and/or physical needs
DLC has 30 SEMH places for students from KS1,2,3 and 4
SENDCo: Mrs Emma Gould e.gould@dlc.dorset.sch.uk
01305 261213
The Dorchester Learning Centre works collaboratively with the Dorset SEND team to ensure that pupil needs are quickly identified and supported appropriately. We ensure that staff receive regular up-date training regarding special education needs, disability and support strategies from a number of professionals and agencies.
Interventions and support strategies are planned and monitored effectively in order to encourage progress and success. We currently work closely with the Educational Psychologist Service (EPS), Special Educational Needs Support Service (SENSS) and Health professionals to deliver appropriately differentiated learning experiences and to co-ordinate application for and management of Educational Health Care Plans (EHCP’s).
Emma Gould is the designated Special Educational Needs & Disability Coordinator (SENDCo) and receives appropriate training to fulfil this role.
Governors with specific responsibility for monitoring SEND are: Gaynor Howlett
If you would like to discuss SEND support for your child please contact a member of your child’s Year Team or alternatively the SENDCo directly on 01305 261213.

Dorset Local Offer
All local authorities must now develop and publish their Local Offer to explain what is available for children and young people with SEN and disabilities across education, health and social care. The Local Offer should be:
Collaborative – involving parents, children and young people
Accessible – easy to understand and related to your needs
Comprehensive – covering support for full 0-25 age range
Transparent – clear how decisions are made and who is accountable
Up to date – information is reviewed and updated annually
For more information, and to view the Local Offer please CLICK HERE to visit the Dorset Council website