About DLC
DLC encompasses two sites in Dorset; the Dorchester Learning Centre and the Kingfisher Learning Centre at the Dorset County Hospital in Dorchester. We share one common purpose: to provide the very best in education and support for all children who (for a variety of reasons) find themselves outside of mainstream school education. Whether you are a student, parent/carer, member of staff (or simply curious), please use our website to find out what we are up to and make use of the many resources we have on offer.
"DLC has saved our students life - this is a huge statement, but it is true"
"Since our daughter has attended DLC, the impact on the whole family is immeasurable. We feel like we have our daughter back and that we are a family again"
"My son feels happy and accepted for the first time in school - it is the first time in many years that I don't feel a surge of anxiety when school ring me"
Headteacher's Welcome
Welcome to the Dorchester Learning Centre website. Dorchester Learning Centre provides education for 68 students from Year 1 to Year 11. We are incredibly proud of the provision we offer, and are the first school in Dorset to be awarded the Trauma Informed & Mental Health Schools mark.
Students are referred to DLC for a variety of reasons that have made attending mainstream school difficult. Positioned in Monkton Park, Dorchester, we provide alternative provision for local schools, although students can be referred from across Dorset.

“There are secure and trusting relationships between staff and pupils at Dorchester Learning Centre. These are vital to the success and positive experiences of the pupils who attend. Staff are ambitious in their vision to get the best possible outcomes for pupils during their time at the school. Staff encourage pupils to be aspirational and leaders work to make sure that pupils receive the support they need towards achieving their goals “ Ofsted ‘22
Dorchester Learning Centre was evaluated by Ofsted May 2022 as a Good school. For me, this was validation of the child centred, trauma informed approach our amazing staff use. The feedback from the inspectors was overwhelmingly positive. The full report can be accessed using the menu.

“Pupils value the time that staff dedicate to getting to know them so that they can respond appropriately to their needs. As a result, pupils feel safe and want to attend. Parents are overwhelmingly positive about the impact the school has on their child.” Ofsted ‘22
Kingfisher Learning Centre is the hospital school, providing education for children and young people on the wards in Dorchester Hospital. Ofsted visited Kingfisher as part of the inspection.
“Pupils at the Kingfisher Learning Centre also have variable amounts of time working with the education staff. Staff ensure they know pupils well. As a result, pupils in hospital are taught in a safe and well-resourced environment. Their medical and learning needs are supported well “ Ofsted ‘22
If you would like further information about what we do here at Dorchester Learning Centre, please get in touch with the office.
Meet Willow!
Everyone's favourite staff member, the lovely Willow - our school dog!